Advertisement kick off

November 17, 2009 Leave a comment

Today we have started our large scale advertisement. First ones on the list were the infamous Facebook and Twitter. Twitter was overloaded with tweets today thus causing us some problems while signing up for it. It’s possible that a new DDoS attack was launched at the social network.

Prior to that we have signed up for BlogCatalog. Unfortunately our submission there was declined due to being brand new and not having enough content. They do have a point there, it will be hard to advertise (to benefit from a better SEO) without some qualitative content. And on that note we decided to do expand our blog in that sense that we write technical advices, tutorials, tips and tricks, interesting news maybe even personal thoughts. We will try to keep the quality of the posts at the highest level as possible,  thus making this blog more interesting to read even if you do not require any of our services and making your stay here as better as possible.

Have a nice day!

Categories: Advertisement

Kick Off

November 16, 2009 Leave a comment

Monday is here, a new week started and NLuthor Web Solutions has officially started their work. Unfortunately there are no requests so far because of the lack of advertisement and because of that we have scheduled large scale advertisement this week which will hopefully bring our workshop closer to more people out there.

Also if you are a web hosting provider, or if you are somehow else related to web solutions and would like us to recommend you to our customers make sure you send us a partnership proposal at our email, or if you want to affiliate with us also send us an email at:



The NLuthor web solutions team wish you a productive week!

Categories: Uncategorized

Hello world!

November 9, 2009 Leave a comment

Indeed like the headline says, hello world! I welcome you all to our newly started project that hopefully we all will benefit from. Work here is scheduled to start on Monday, and if everything goes as planned we will start on time! In the meanwhile you can send your request forms right now to catch good queue positions. You can find the request form in the Contact section.

Categories: Uncategorized